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The Corporation

Some years back, I created my perfect business called Tubular, Inc... it wasn't incorporated, I just thought the "inc" part sounded cool and official. I was CEO, and the business consisted of myself and three friends, and we would sit around, telling jokes and drinking beer. Sometimes I would exert my authority by making one of my friends re-construct his joke to improve it before he could have another beer. One rule I had was that you couldn't tell more than three jokes in a day that utilized the rectum or the act of defecating. This one rule alone created a 9% increase in quality scores.

In order to bring in money, we would occasionally panhandle a bit while juggling, but we didn't bring in much money because none of us could juggle more than two balls at a time, so we would also steal hubcaps and sell them dirt cheap to a guy named Frog, who ran a business called Dirt Cheap Hubcaps, Inc. Then we would return to the apartment and get back to the actual business of telling jokes and drinking beer.

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