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More Toxic Masculinity

I've been reading up on Toxic Masculinity for a while. Since I'm into self improvement and I don't want to be a negative element of society I stopped working out about a year ago. I definitely feel less toxic, but now I can't pick up a rake or push a lawn mower, so the yard's going to hell. I read where the primacy of work is a by-product of toxic masculinity, so I started working about 15 to 20 hours a week to reduce my toxicity in that category as well. My little weak, skinny arms and shrinking paycheck helped, but something was still missing. So I just started crying all the time. I pretty much respond to everything by sobbing uncontrollably. I think this is working out alright.

Oh, I forgot to mention that the wife left me for some toxic dude. I'm still waiting for my perfect match... hopefully she can do the yardwork.

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