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Things I Like

I like the smell of a freshly-mowed lawn, especially when a neighborhood kid comes and offers to mow it. I say thanks after he is done, then close and lock the door without giving him any money and set my house alarm. I come back out after dark, when he finally gives up and leaves, and appreciate the smell of a free mowing.

I like the way exuberant, animal-loving hippies make videos of themselves lounging with a lion... then the lion suddenly tries to eat their arm from the socket for a mid-day snack, and the hippie runs, and from then on, just collects animal books at home.

I like learning more about nature, like the fact that slugs tend to be violent in the summer and gregarious and sociable in the winter. I like to see one slug offering another a cigarette and saying "sorry about the august thing, the heat just kinda made me snap... not comfortable in my own slime... then the last straw was realizing my dang slug butthole is on my back, right behind my damned HEAD.... what the hell?"

I like the way various hats tend to transform the wearer. Like a fedora exudes sophistication and cool, whereas a ball cap appears festive, relaxed. A cowboy hat, on the other hand, indicates an embrace of a strangled, pinched off intelligence level, accompanied by loud shrieks of self-acceptance and even proud embrace of the mental vacancy.

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